Last updated April 15, 2024

Personal data policy, data generation & processing, risk assessment/impact assessments (DPIA + PIA).
Data optimization assessment/impact. Analysis of data flow, including from an ethical perspective.
Data security. GDPR.
Knowledge dissemination & teaching.
Ethics in persuasive design.
Statistics Denmark / SFI | data collection
CLCT SDU (Center for Learning Computational Thinking) | knowledge center
Hedensted municipality | municipal authority
SDU | study app
SDU Projects | academia
Vejle Business Services (Data for All) | EU Interreg project
Vejle Municipality | open advice center
Data optimization assessment/impact. Analysis of data flow, including from an ethical perspective.
Data security. GDPR.
Knowledge dissemination & teaching.
Ethics in persuasive design.
Statistics Denmark / SFI | data collection
CLCT SDU (Center for Learning Computational Thinking) | knowledge center
Hedensted municipality | municipal authority
SDU | study app
SDU Projects | academia
Vejle Business Services (Data for All) | EU Interreg project
Vejle Municipality | open advice center
Det Digitale Etikkompas, PIA.
When designing and/or analyzing a website, it is essential to consider how user data is collected, stored, and used. The General Data Protection Regulation Act (GDPR) which came into effect in May 2018, is the legislative framework that serves as a foundation for the processing and collecting of personal information within the European Union.
Article 5 outlines 7 (9) Principles for the processing of personal data - below is shown the key point of the 7 (9) principles, and how they pertain to web design:
When designing and/or analyzing a website, it is essential to consider how user data is collected, stored, and used. The General Data Protection Regulation Act (GDPR) which came into effect in May 2018, is the legislative framework that serves as a foundation for the processing and collecting of personal information within the European Union.
Article 5 outlines 7 (9) Principles for the processing of personal data - below is shown the key point of the 7 (9) principles, and how they pertain to web design:

CNIL. (2021). The open source PIA software helps to carry out data protection impact assessment. Retrieved April 13, 2022 from
CNIL. (2021). The open source PIA software helps to carry out data protection impact assessment. Retrieved April 13, 2022 from
Dansk Design Center, (2021). Det Digitale Etikkompas. Retrieved April 13, 2022 from
Data Protection Regulation. European Parliament and Council of Europe, EU / 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 EU Regulation on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (2016). (2016).
Datatilsynet. (n.d). Hvad siger reglerne? Retrieved April 13, 2022 from
GDPR Info. (2016). Artikel 5 Persondataforordningen (GDPR). Retrieved May 2, 2021, from
GDPR Info. (2016). Artikel 5 Persondataforordningen (GDPR). Retrieved May 2, 2021, from
Justitsministeriet. (2018). Databeskyttelsesloven, LOV nr 502 af 23/05/2018. Retrieved May 2, 2021, from
You can read more about GDPR in the online version of "Handbook on European data protection law" (or order a free hard copy - choose Danish as language to get it free, the book is still in English!).
You can read more about GDPR in the online version of "Handbook on European data protection law" (or order a free hard copy - choose Danish as language to get it free, the book is still in English!).