Last updated May 26. 2022
CASE "Competence development courses - didactics in hybrid learning spaces"
TYPE E-læringsforløb
GOAL To qualify teachers in the mercantile vocational educations, and develop their IT didactic competencies in relation to being able to apply Knowledge about Viden om Data's digital learning courses in a partially assisted context, or as IT-based teaching.
MY JOB To develop and design a didactic learning tool (High def. Prototype), based on theories of learning and teaching knowledge (including learning design), with a focus on hybrid learning spaces (partially assisted context).
METHODS Analysis, planning, evaluation and preparation of working prototype.
Development based on didactic optimization of content, testing of knowledge through quizzes, scenarios, multiple choice, etc. and assessment of learning outcomes.
Development based on didactic optimization of content, testing of knowledge through quizzes, scenarios, multiple choice, etc. and assessment of learning outcomes.
TOOLS Articulate Rise, Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, Acrobat (integrering af lyd), Audacity.
"(...) The multimodal design and the combination of knowledge, reflection and quizzes works well to get the substance under the skin." - a participant in session # 7

The didactic relational model - own adaptation (Hiim & Hippe, 2007, p. 73)
Learning in the workplace - (Sarah Ildsvad Winther, Illeris, 2004, p. 30)
Overview session # 7 - (Sarah Ildsvad Winther 2019)